Ur "Beatles Unlimited" - Nr. 155 Feb./Mars 2001

Recension från "Beatles Unlimited", Holland. (världen äldsta/bland de genuinaste Beatles -klubbar, aktiv sedan november 1963)

Ulf Lindeberg
"Sings The Beatles/Lennon & More"

(SWE) Woulf Music WM-CD 001 14 tracks/34:57/4-page booklet

This hommage to John Lennon is a one-man-job, with vocals and instruments recorded in Lindeberg´s own studio. All the songs are early period Beatles songs, attributed to Lennon, up until tracks from "Rubber Soul". And what a wonderful job he´s done: the songs have the same ingredients as the originals, although his singing is not what you call Lennon soundalike. The vocals - he does both lead and backing harmonies - are professional, although perhaps you may find his pronunciation somewhat too accurate. The vocals still fit perfectly well with the melodies, which are played in almost xerox precision. The `& More´ part of the CD-title comprises of three of his own compositions, which are enjoyable poppy tunes, more referring to Steve Harley than the Beatles and are therefore dissonants between the cover versions. He closes the disc by whisteling a short piece of "Rain".